For most the lead up to the holiday period can be extremely hectic. But if you plan things well, the holiday period can be the perfect time to roll out out new technology. With reduced or zero staffing levels, it means IT can get that roll out perfect without impacting on anyone elses productivity.
Then kick back into it in January with some staff training and using the new systems with increased productivity!
If you can find the time, why not try out Xrev Transmit for your Revit Issuing & Transmittal generation? See the benefits for yourself, so if you look into it soon, a holiday rollout could still be on the cards!
If you don’t have time for that contact us to organise an online demo at a time of your choosing.
Feel free to contact us with any questions you have, whether it be:
- Installation/Deployments
- Customising/Setting Up
- Licensing & Costing
- Troubleshooting
We are here to help, and rely on you to tell us when something isn’t working as expected so we can address it.